The Prettyboy Recreation Council is a volunteer organization that works with the Baltimore County Recreation and Parks to provide organized recreational activities throughout the year for the families of the Prettyboy Community.

PBRC Meetings: 2nd, Tuesday of each month* at 7:30 p.m (* Typically, pending Holidays, No July meeting, etc...)  
Location: Prettyboy Elementary School Recreation Room (also used on a daily basis for the Homebase Program)

Meeting is  - 9/10/24 7:30 p.m.

Each activity is organized through a chairperson who coordinates the program through the Prettyboy Recreation Council and the Baltimore County Recreation and Parks staff person. The Council uses the website to distribute the newsletter to families. Volunteers are the only way the recreation council and the programs can operate. Volunteers are needed throughout the year to make these programs work. Consider volunteering as a coach, a chairperson, an officer of the recreation council, or a worker in the concession stand.

These programs are recreational programs for all the families of the Prettyboy Elementary School Community. Volunteer for your children and all the children of the community. New Programs welcome!

Seeking volunteers to serve as officers of the Prettyboy Rec Council for the comming year. 

Visitor Number: 965162
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